Anneke oppewal




Job, 6 sermons (2018)
ISBN 9781388147396

A series of 6 sermons exploring questions raised in the book of Job and suggest possible answers as they discuss the issue of undeserved human suffering in the context of faith.

The ‘I am’ Sayings of the Gospel of John, 8 sermons (2018)
ISBN 9781364004354

Eight sermons that each take one of the ‘I am’ sayings in the gospel of John as the point of departure and reflect on the rich and multilayered complexity of this gospel.

Holy Grub (2014)
ISBN 9781494317119
Cook Book, Design and Photography by Tarn Buasuwan.
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Ruth, Her story, out story, reflections from Women of Faith (2012)
ISBN 9781743240267
Mosaic Resources, Melbourne

With the full text of the book of Ruth, sermons, interpretation, art, poetry and personal stories from women from the three Abrahamic faiths. Includes suggestions for use in groups or as a resource for personal reflection.

The Song of Songs (2009)
ISBN 1453761179

The Song of Songs is a biblical gem that is not often read or talked about. Using startlingly explicit imagery and language it is a book about love both human and divine. In five sermons Rev. Anneke Oppewal explores a world where the physical and the spiritual, faith and desire, love and beauty meet. Contributions from the Jewish and Muslim traditions open vistas that connect present day Christian, Jewish and Muslim practice, spirituality and mysticism with a history that goes back thousands of years. Inspired by the Song of Songs, this book is part of a multi-media project offering reflections, contemporary poetry, beautiful illustrations, music and even recipes. , it provides an opportunity to hear, see, smell and taste what the Song is about. "......for love is stronger than death, passion fiercer than the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a raging flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. Song of Solomon, 8: 6-7

Uphold one another in prayer (2007)
With Rev. Joan Wright Howie, spiritual director at the Centre for Theology and Ministry

Litugische Bouwstenen (2003)
ISBN 90 5263 3045

Narratio, Gorinchem

With translations of a selection of liturgical texts from the Wild Goose Iona tradition into Dutch.




Bijdragen aan “De Eeerste Dag”

Viermaal per jaar verschijnt dit tijdschrift dat in Nederland op grote schaal wordt gebruikt voor de voorbereiding op de wekelijkse eredienst. Waardevol voor de voorgangers en kerkmusici in parochies en gemeenten die het Oecumenisch Leesrooster dan wel het Gemeenschappelijk leesrooster volgen, maar ook ideaal voor wie het r.k.- lectionarium volgt. De inhoud bestaat uit suggesties voor de liturgie, aantekeningen bij de schriftlezingen, inpirerende illustraties, meditatieve teksten en gebeden, liederen, toelichtingen bij de tijden van het jaar en materiaal voor 'met kinderen in de kerk'. De Eerste Dag wordt samengesteld door een breed, oecumenisch scala aan schrijvers.

Contributions to the “Eerste Dag”

This magazine, which is published four times a year, is used by many as a resource for the preparation for worship every week. Valued by worship leaders and Church musicians in parishes and congregations who follow the Ecumenical lectionary or the Joint Lectionary, but also ideal for those following the Roman Catholic lectionarium. The content consists of suggestions for the liturgy, exegetical notes, inspiring illustrations, meditative texts and prayers, hymns, background and comment on the time of the liturgical year and material to use with children in Church. A broad, ecumenical spectrum of authors contributes to the “Eerste Dag”.

De ware wijnstok (pdf)
Johannes 15,1-8

De zegen van Mozes (pdf)
Deuteronomium 33

Schapen en geiten (pdf)
Matteüs 25,31-45

Bruiloft te Kana (pdf)
Johannes 2,1-12

God en Gebod (pdf)
Exodus 23,24

Groeipijn in de vroege kerk (pdf)
Handelingen 6,1-7

God en de keizer (pdf)
Matteüs 22,15-22

De logos (pdf)
Johannes 1,1-10, Hebreeën 1,1-12

De plooien van God's mantel (pdf)
Haggai 2,10-23

De uitzending van de zeventig (pdf)
Lukas 10,1-20

Het geloof van een vader leidt tot genezing (pdf)
Marcus 9,14-29

Oordeel of belofte? (pdf)
Ezechiel 34,7-11, Matteüs 25,31-46

Verstandige leraren (pdf)
Jacobus 3

Simeon en Anna (pdf)
Lukas 2,33-40

Goede Vrijdag (pdf)
Psalm 22, Johannes 18,19

De levensoriëntatie van de Mensenzoon (pdf)
Jesaja 51,1-8, Matteüs 16,21-27

God is liefde (pdf)
Jesaja 45,15-19, 1 Johannes 4,7-21, Johannes 15,9-17

Op het strand (pdf)
Johannes 21,1-19

Een Christologisch perspectief (pdf)
Markus 8,22-29

De man, het bed en de verlamming (pdf)
Markus 2,1-12

Aanklacht en belijdenis, een leerdicht (pdf)
Psalm 74

Een lijdende Messias (pdf)
Matteüs 14,13-21

De vrijheid om te vergeven (pdf)
Matteüs 18,21-25

De mat (pdf)
Matteüs 9,1-8

De doop van Jezus (pdf)
Lukas 3,15-16,21-22, Jesaja 40,1-11

Aswoensdag, Een nieuwe schepping (pdf)
Amos 5,6-15 2 Korintiërs 5,20-6,10 Mat 6,1-6.16-21

De berg en het verbond (pdf)
Exodus 24

Sterven om te leven (pdf)
Johannes 12,20-33

Growing pain in the early Church (pdf)
Acts 6

Judgement or promise (pdf)
Ezekiel 34, Matthew 25

Responsible teachers (pdf)
James 3

Breakfast on the beach (pdf)
John 21,1-19

The Baptism of Jesus (pdf)
Luke 3, Isaiah 40

Jesus heals a paralytic (pdf)
Matthew 9

The freedom to forgive (pdf)
Matthew 18,21-25

Goats and sheep (pdf)
Matthew 25

Accusation and confession (pdf)
Psalm 74



Communion Mindmap (pdf)

Worship mindmap (pdf)

Talk to PCNV turning points in life and faith (27 September 2015) (pdf)

Prayer, Meditation, Mindfulness and Hypnosis (pdf)


Liturgical Resources


Call to worship (16 September 2012)

There is a voice whispering in the wind
Love yearning to enter our hearts

Spring blossoms around us
Gifts of beauty and splendour

Warm sunlight chases the shadows of rain
New life stirs in the depths


Paraphrase Psalm 124 (30 September 2012)

Creator of heaven and earth,
God of Life
We praise you and worship you

When trouble was brewing
and we felt doomed
you determined to be our help:

You were there,
surrounding us with your strength.

When we found ourselves
in the dark chasms of trauma
where suffering and pain consumed us

caught, in anxiety
we were like birds,
fluttering fearfully in the net

You set us free
and we escaped.

Praise to You,
God of life
who ever holds creation in your hand.


Hymn - Hearts full of thanksgiving
To Tune TIS 147, ‘To you be the Glory’

Hearts full of thanksgiving,
minds lifting with praise
God’s presence is near us,
surrounds us with grace.
Creator, Sustainer,
our yearning instill
with love and compassion
our whole world to fill.

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Let the earth hear his voice!
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Let the people rejoice!
O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
and give him the glory! great things he has done!

Minds longing for healing,
souls open to grace,
Christ’s presence beside us,
transforming our ways.
At one with God’s purpose,
he shows us God’s face
to fashion our dreaming
in healing embrace.


Peace, justice and wholeness,
the world a new place,
God’s vision for living,
embodied with grace,
by people of Jesus
who seek every day
to live out the gospel
and follow his way.


In pain and confusion
we long for the light
God’s presence is near us
but yet out of sight.
The Spirit comes closer
with all of God’s might
in silence and whispers
a voice that delights.


God’s free-flowing Spirit
infuses our souls,
creating new options,
inspiring new goals;
God’s Kingdom comes closer
where people make space
in thought word and action
to live by God’s grace.


A river of healing
alive in the world,
The ground of our being,
God’s purpose unfurled
in faithful enacting
of Jesus as Word
Christ self comes alive
where compassion is learned.
